How to make your own crocheted gingerbread house tags (free pattern)

When I was at my first market selling buttons EVER people were very interested in my decoration. (It really got me to the point where I was wondering if I am selling the right thing. *lol*)

One of my decorational pieces were these little gingerbread house tags. As a little pre-Christmas gift just for you I decided to put up the instructions so if you are interested in making your own – well, now you can ;-)

This is actually the first post of a little mini-blogpost series “Crafty Christmas”. So if you like it be sure to stop by tomorrow to get more Christmassy DIY inspiration. 

This project is perfect for beginners,too. Very easy!

Crocheted Gingerbread House Tag


-yarn in dark brown and white
-crochet hook matching your yarn


Now, let’s do it! :-)

Chain 10 and chain 1 more for turning:

1. row: single crochet into second stitch from hook until the end (10 stitches), chain 1 for turning:

2.-8. row: single crochet each stitch (10 stitches), chain 1 for turning. When you are done it should look like this:

9. row: Start decreasing for the roof. Crochet first two stitches together, single crochet into each stitch until you reach the last two, crochet last two stitches together, chain 1 for turning (8 stitches).

10. row: Repeat 9th row (6 stitches).

11. row: Repeat 9th row (4 stitches).

12. row: Repeat 9th row (2 stiches).

13. row: Crochet last 2 stitches together. Pull yarn through and finish off. Your house tag is done and should look like this:

With some white yarn single crochet around the “roof”. When you are at the top chain 25 and slip stitch to the “base”. This way you form a loop which you can use to hang your cute tag. Finish the “roof”.

Now, very important step – you need to block your cute tags in order for them to look pretty.  Spray them with some starch, let dry and … embellish and use them to decorate!

I used some of my tiny handmade gingerbread buttons (CLICK to see them) for embellishment. But of course you can use something else just as well.  See:

Done! Was that easy?

Please – pretty please with cherry on top – leave me a comment how you liked the pattern! It is my first pattern that I am sharing so I am super excited! :-)

Wanna see how I made the teeny tiny crocheted hearts? No problem – here is the free tutorial. :-) And if you like what I share please sign up for my free newsletter below or here.

If you enjoy being creative – why not try out making mixed media art? Check out my free mixed media workshop to make uplifting affirmation cards:


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60 Responses to How to make your own crocheted gingerbread house tags (free pattern)

  1. LoriLinn Cobb says:

    Love this!! I was looking for a little ornament for a 12 Days of Christmas for my Granddaughters and their Moms. This is absolutely perfect, simple and such a thoughtful pattern. I am going to use a yarn with some sparkle to jazz it up. Thank you so much for sharing. ;-)

  2. Pingback: 40+ Stunning Crochet Christmas Ornaments to Brighten Your Season - Giftable

  3. Carlyn says:

    This pattern was exactly what I was looking for! It is beautiful! Thank you for posting!

  4. Petra Holtby says:

    Just made the first gingerbread house and so easy, great directions. Turned out super cute!

  5. Petra Lakatos says:

    Liebe Ursula,
    dieses Haus ist wirklich zuckersüß und Deine Anleitung ist super! Auch das kleine Verz hat super geklappt. Vielen lieben Dank für diese tolle Anleitung❣

  6. Jill says:

    Love the gingerbread house pattern! Thanks for sharing! Can you share the little heart pattern too?

  7. Lindsey says:

    Beautiful! Looking forward to using gingerbread crafts this Christmas :)

  8. Donna Ricketts says:

    These are so cute! I’ve just started this years Christmas hooking (it’s so hot, dreaming of snow is helping) and these are going to the top of the list.

  9. Lu says:

    These are adorable and I plan to make several! Thank you so much for sharing these with us.

  10. Jacquelyn says:

    It turned out perfectly when I made it. Here is what mine looked like when I was done:
    I know it was meant to be a tag, but it reminds me more of a Christmas tree ornament. (Maybe because of the size hook I used?)I’m planning on giving this away as for Christmas and I’m very pleased with the way it turned out. :) I’m thinking of making more with different variations later.

    • Oh, thanks so much for the link Jacquelyn! It’s adorable!!!!
      I love the red and green that you added!
      And you know, I just called them “tags” cause I wasn’t sure what to call them. I have a few that I add to an Advent wreath some years … :-)
      So happy you enjoy the pattern! :-)

  11. Britany Sproul says:

    Wow, what a new, adorable idea. Thank you for sharing! I am going to “whip up” 150 of these for christmas ornaments for my church congregation as little gifts with a quote on paper. These are simple yet entirely filled with love. Thank you again!

  12. Just found this pattern and trying it right now! Thank you so much!

  13. SoCalAmmy says:

    Ursula! These are BEAUTIFUL!
    I was looking for a gift card holder that I didn’t see a lot of. I haven’t made them yet, but mine will be a tad bigger and holding gift cards! This will be added to all the others I’m making. Knowing my daughter, she’ll be selling them at work once I have extras!
    Thank you again!

  14. Maurina in Sweden says:

    Cute house tags! I’m sitting down to make some for my Christmas packages. Keep on crocheting … <3

  15. Connie Smith says:

    Ursula, your gingerbread house tag is absolutely adorable. I can’t wait to sit down and start crocheting. Thanks for your kindness and posting the pattern for free. I look forward to more of your creations.

  16. Susanne K says:

    Hallo Ursula,

    durch Zufall habe ich deine super putzigen Lebkuchenhäuschen entdeckt.

    Die Anleitung ist absolut Klasse und danke dass du sie für alle zum nachmachen eingestellt hast.

    Es macht Spaß sie zu machen und alle die eins bekommen, die freuen sich.
    ♥ lichen Dank dafür

  17. Denisa says:


    thank you very much for such a nice quick-to-make and sweet chrismas decoration. I will definetely make a number of them and spread them around my family along with other patterns. Thank you one more time right from the Czech Republic, the middle of Europe :)

    • Dear Denisa,

      thanks so much for your lovely comment! Makes my day to read that you enjoy the pattern. :-)
      And we are “neighbours”. :-) I live in Germany and have been to the Czech Republic a few times in the past for vacation. Loved it! :-)



  18. Pingback: Crochet Gingerbread House Tag: Homemade Christmas Gifts

  19. Tess says:

    Hey! Love this!

  20. Andrea Asher says:

    Thank you so much for this pattern. It is adorable!!!

  21. Diana Bosch says:

    I would love to have all you Christmas ornaments, but I only have my phone, getting old cant see on phone!! I think I can get someone to print them out for me. Smiles, Diana

  22. Gorhaija says:

    Deine Anleitung ist toll, vielen Dank für deine Mühe ^^ und das schöne ist, dieses Jahr zu Weihnachten 2013 noch genauso aktuell :D

    • Oh, ganz ganz lieben Dank für Deinen Kommentar. Das stimmt natürlich, dass das aktuell bleibt. *grins* Zum Glück für mich. So kann ich mich nämlich jetzt einem anderen Weihnachtshäkelprojekt widmen. ;-)

      Freut mich riesig, dass Dir die Anleitung gefällt! Wenn ich sowas hör, dann weiß ich, dass sich die Mühe gelohnt hat. :-)

      Ganz liebe Grüße


  23. Patricia says:

    Its very cute :)

  24. inez says:


    ich kann leider überhaupt nicht handarbeiten, aber ich suche verzweifelt jemanden, der mir mini kleine (Kölner) Domspitzen häkeln kann. Geht soetwas überhaupt?
    Sie sollten so ca 3x1cm sein.
    Vielleicht kannst Du mir erstmal sagen ob das überhaupt möglich ist, bevor ich auf die Suche gehe nach jemandem der mir welche häkelt?
    Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße aus der Domstadt.

  25. Pingback: Want to know how to make the tiniest crochet hearts? (free pattern/ tutorial) - Ursula Markgraf

  26. Brenda says:

    Found your website and fell in love with your gingerbread buttons; such an easy pattern; thank you for sharing. Would love to have your pattern for the hearts, it really makes the gingerbread buttons come alive!

  27. Margaret says:

    The wreath and the little Gingerbread Houses made in both colors are so cute. I would love to have a set of the buttons but I can’t afford to pay for them and shipping to the states too. Maybe I can find something like them here. You did a great job on your pattern and Thank you for sharing it with all of us. I would like to have the pattern for the heart please!
    Thank you!

    • Dear Margaret,

      I will publish the tiny heart pattern soon. Either check back here on the blog (it will be within the next couple of weeks) or if you get my newsletter of course I will let you know.
      And about the buttons – for the crocheted gingerbread houses you could just use the tiny hears instead of the buttons if you like. Like I did in the last picture. :-)

      Or if you do find someone who would order with you you could split shipping costs. Shipping outside Germany is 6,00€ no matter how many buttons you buy. I actually do not offer the gingerbread buttons in my store right now … but if you are interested I will check how many I still have.



  28. Olivia says:

    Danke <3<3<3… <3<3<3,

    die Lebkuchenhäuschen sind wunderschön,ich bin ganz verliebt…<3<3<3
    Sogar ich als blutiger Anfäger bekomme das hin.
    Ich würde soooooooooooooooooooo gerne wissen, wie die Mini-Herzen gehen. Schickst Du mir die Anleitung <3<3<3

    Danke, Lia

    • Liebe Olivia!

      Verzeih die super-späte Antwort! Die Herzanleitung werde ich demnächst veröffentlichen … ein bissel dauert es noch. Einfach im Blog vorbeischaun – oder wenn Du den Newsletter bekommst, dann erfährst Du es natürlich auch! :-)

      Ganz liebe Grüße


  29. Becky says:

    Super cute, thanks for sharing!

  30. Pingback: Quickest Advent wreath - Ursula Markgraf

  31. ~Manuela~ says:

    durch Zufall bin ich auf deinen Blog gestoßen, WOOOW
    da muß ich mal weiter stöbern gehn und danke für die Anleitung
    LG Manuela

  32. Chiska says:

    I would LOVE to see a tutorial on the hearts! Darling Gingerbread houses.

  33. Care says:

    ……..I just had to share a link to this on my blog! I used one of your photos, linking back to you. If you prefer that I remove the photo, please let me know! :oD

    So happy you are still creating and sharing!!


  34. Care says:

    These are SO ADORABLE!! I haven’t crocheted anything in 20+ years, but these just might inspire me to try it again! :oD

    THANK YOU for sharing!

  35. Regina says:

    So cute!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  36. Pam says:

    Totally lost my heart, cutest houses ever, thnx

  37. vivian says:

    I love them so much, I must do some for this xmas. it is my gingerbread theme this year…glad I came across your blog now, I think I still have some time !!!!!
    thank you so much, very nice.

  38. Sondra Burnett says:

    yes would also like to make the little crocheted hearts

  39. Sondra Burnett says:

    Love love it!!

    Would be so cute to also do in reg colors to give in a card when someone moves.

  40. Cerise says:

    So cute. I’ll have to see if I have some brown yard to try them out. LOVE the little hearts, would love to see the pattern.

  41. Pingback: Easiest Christmas ornaments to make with kids - Ursula Markgraf

  42. Sue says:

    Absolutely adorable!

  43. Pingback: Sneak peak into our Christmas mail - Ursula Markgraf

  44. Liebe Ursula

    Sorry, ich war schon lange nicht mehr auf Deinem Blog…die Anleitung ist toll. Vielen Dank dafuer!!!!!
    GLG Shippy

  45. doro von Hand zu Hand says:

    toll gemacht!
    und so süß!
    ich danke dir für deine anleitung und habe sie heute gleich verlinkt!

    liebe grüße, doro von Hand zu Hand.

  46. Kathrin says:

    Der Kranz gefällt mir auch sehr gut.
    Kann ich gut verstehen, dass er viele Blicke geerntet hat .)

    liebe Grüße

  47. Claudia says:

    Liebe Ursula,
    der Kranz mit den kleinen Häkelhäusern ist wunderschön! Vielen Dank auch für die Anleitung!
    Ich wünsch Dir einen schönen und stressreien Dienstag!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥
    Sag mal, mit der Emailinfo bei neuen Einträgen ….ich hab gar keine Meldung beommen……wie kann ich dir sonst folgen, ohne was zu verpassen?

  48. Cathy Sykora says:

    Very cute! You make it look so simple! I will definitely share this with my friends.

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