Do you remember when you were a child there were always treasures to be hidden?
The beautiful rocks you found on a walk. The old necklace your mom gave you. The old photograph that your grandad gave you. A cutout photo from the newspaper. Sticks, leaves, sometimes bugs or snails. ;-) And of course the buttons out of your grandma’s button box.
And where to put all those treasure? Of course into your (secret) treasure bag.
And today? Do you still have treasures?
As part of my little virtual online-shop opening party I will gift one of these handmade treasure bags to the first 9 people that order buttons. To be used for buttons or other treasures. ;-)
And handmade by yours truly! Which means hand-dyed, hand-sewn and hand-printed! :-)
What would you put into your treasure bag?
Hi Ya,
I like your treasure bags, i can’t remember putting my treasures anywhere special when i was young though. Gifting your handmade bags to customers is a great idea.
Also i really like your postcard style optin form :)
Blessings Janet