Each year between Christmas and New Year I sit down and spend quite some time reflecting on the past year and “planning” the new one. I think about what is important to me, what are my goals, and how I would like to spend my time. I also look back at what I achieved and what I really enjoyed about the past year, and what I would love to take with me into the new one.
This year I somehow didn’t manage to do this after Christmas. Time flew by and before I got even started on it, it was already January. But I didn’t want to skip it as I love this little ritual for myself. However, I also didn’t have time to just take a few days off and spend them reflecting … So I started doing a little each day and while doing that, I realized it would be fun to do this “reflection time” in a similar format as the Advent Creativity Calendar. So I started working on that idea, wrote down topics, collected journal questions, collected and created sketches and … put together a 21-day creativity journal for your “New beginning”. I’m so excited to share this with you!
I know it’s already the end of January, so it is a bit late. But, if you haven’t really had time yet to reflect on the past year and would like to put a bit more intention into the new year … this is for you!
Also, it doesn’t only work for the New Year! It also works when you have a birthday … or really anytime that you feel like a “fresh start”. And here it is:
21-Day Creativity Journal: Time for you ~New beginning~
Topics and prompts to reflect on the past & coming year
For 21 days it encourages you to spend a bit of time each day just for yourself. Each day there is a topic to reflect on, either about the past year or the one ahead. The questions encourage you to think about things that happened and be more intentional about the coming months.
Room to get creative
Also, there is room to get creative. Whether you like to sketch, draw, paint, watercolor, glue collages, create mixed media pictures … or simply “just” write – it’s totally up to you! You can use it as an art journal – or just mix and match and do each day whatever you feel like. It’s supposed to be fun and stress-free! No pressure!
Easy to print – black and white only
Just like the Advent Creativity Calendar I designed the creativity journal in black and white. The only exception is the cover, which is colored. This way it’s easy to print the journal at home and if you like you can color it in afterwards any way you like.
Affirmation for each day
To make it extra enjoyable I added an affirmation for each day! I hope you enjoy them!
Perfect personalized gift
It also makes a lovely gift, as it will be personalized. Where it says “your name” – it will either have your name – if you buy it for yourself – or the name of the person you are gifting it to. When you order it I will create your very own copy within 24 hours. And as it’s a PDF download it’s perfect for last-minute gift giving and for sending to your friend that lives further away! No standing in line at the post office, no waiting for it to arrive … you just download it and send it off by email.
Want a sneak peek?
Then sign up to my newsletter and you’ll get 4 pages directly out of the creativity journal for free!
If you do decide, that you like it … you can buy the full creativity journal in my Etsy-shop!
I really hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
And if you have a suggestion on what topic the next creativity journal should be (I do have a few ideas already) – let me know in the comments!
P.S. If buying the ebook is not for you right now, but you’d still like to support me – the easiest way to do so is to share my work!
Here’s the direct link again – if you want to check it out or share :-)
Big hug to you!