Social Media & Content Management for Creatives
Are you looking for support in the area of
Social Media and Content Management?
Would you like to concentrate on
what you love to do and what you’re best at?
Creating graphics, writing or optimizing texts, putting together blogposts …
is not really part of what you love most?
Would you like to spend more time
– painting
– creating online courses
– coaching your favourite clients
– or … ?
Would you like to spend less time fiddling with your website, email-list and social media accounts?
Would you like support from someone who is creative,
but also organized and responsible?
That’s me:
– creative, constantly having new ideas
– love planning and organizing
– always try to find the most effective way to get a job done
– super reliable – that’s what my customers say ;-)
– attention to detail
– LOVE to learn new things
That’s what I do:
Writing texts, creating grahics, putting together layouts … that’s so much fun to me! By now I have over 2 years of experience in fulfilling differet tasks for clients. Here you can find a selection:
- creating and updating social media profiles (with focus on facebook and instagram)
- creating editorial calendars for social media channels
- support in running and managing facebook groups
- writing/ designing and planning newsletters
- writing/ designing/ putting up blogposts
- creating layout templates for graphics for clients to use
- creating and scheduling social media posts – texts and graphics in line with the brand
- creating or editing PDFs and ebooks
Among others I work with:
- WordPress (experience with Divi and Thrive theme)
- Mailchimp
- Smarterqueue
- Adobe Creative Suite (mostly Photoshop and Indesign)
I use these tools on a daily basis, but I also love learning new things and usually quickly find my way around. So if your preferred tool is not on this list but you’d like to work with me – just let me know:
This is what my clients say about me:
“Vor der Zusammenarbeit mit Ursula hatte ich Angst, dass mein Business MyGentleBorn nicht genügend Umsatz macht, um sie zu bezahlen. Aber ich wusste, dass ich zeitlich eingeschränkt bin und nicht alles selber schaffe. Aufgaben an Ursula abgeben zu können, ist eine unglaubliche Erleichterung. Besonders da ich weiß, dass diese zuverlässig und speditiv* erledigt werden. Was mir dabei total gefällt ist, dass Ursula mitdenkt. Dadurch kann ich mich auf die Dinge konzentrieren, in denen ich richtig gut bin. So ist MyGentleBorn seit dem Beginn unserer Zusammenarbeit vor über zwei Jahren gewachsen und mein Umsatz hat sich jedes Jahr verdoppelt.”
“Mir fiel es nicht leicht Aufgaben abzugeben. Sicherheit, Diskretion und ein hoher Qualitätsstandard, mit dem ich meine Aufträge umsetze, sind mir extrem wichtig. Als die Arbeit zu viel wurde, und ich mich nicht mehr auf mein Kerngeschäft konzentrieren konnte, merkte ich aber, dass ich Unterstützung brauchte. Ich bin froh, dass ich bestimmte Aufgaben, die mich zeitlich eher aufhalten, jetzt abgeben kann und weiß, dass diese zuverlässig und gewissenhaft erledigt werden.”
Are we a good fit?
Everyone works differently … If one of the following criteria is true for you, then we’re not really a good fit.
You’re looking for someone with fixed working hours.
I’m not available 24-7. And I also don’t work form 9 to 5. My working hours are flexible. When my clients have more work for me – I work more hours. When they have less, I might take some time off to go for a bike ride, to the library, take a course or am simply enjoying time with my kids.
When you give me work and I tell you it will be done in 2 days, then you can always be sure it will be done in two days. But if you need someone who is available from Monday to Friday 9-5, then I’m not the right fit for you.
You need someone who can regularly work on short notice.
I’d really love to support you in your biz. This works best if you have tasks that are kinda long-term so I can be flexible with when I work on them. If you want me to do project X and it needs to be done until day X – and day X is not this afternoon – then I’m your woman! If you prefer to do projects last-minute (no judgement there – everyone works differently!) or your business is paced super-fast and you need work to be done within the next 2 hours – I’m not the right fit for you.
(Of course, there are ALWAYS exceptions! I totally get that sometimes an emergency-type-of-situation might arise and you need something to be done quickly. For my clients, I always try to make it possible. But it’s important to me and my way of working that this doesn’t happen regularly, but those are exceptions.)
You expect a miracle. ;-)
Yes, I truly believe that social media and content management are powerful! And I love working in this area. But they’re not the secret pill that will turn-around your biz in two weeks! (There is no secret pill. But I guess you already knew that.) Especially in the area of social media management you have to do a lot of testing in order to figure out what works for a specific group of clients and what doesn’t. So if you’re hoping to revolutionize your business with a couple of hours – then I’m not a good fit.
You think we might be a good fit?
I’m really looking foward to your message: