No, nothing bad. So no “ooops” ;-) I sewed another top for my daughter. It is another pattern by allerlieblichst called Karolinchen.
The sewing pattern is actually for a top that is a bit shorter – and I would have preferred to cut it that way. But my daughter did not want to hear about it. It had to stay long. *shrugging shoulder*
I really love the fabric of the top part of the tunic.
The fabric of the bottom part is not really my favourite. But my daugher picked it – and she loves it. Oh well. She has to wear it after all. :-)
I made the buttons especially for the dress. They did not quite turn out like I intended to. But the color matches the dress really well. *laugh*
The sewing pattern can be bought HERE(Sorry, in German only). Buttons can be bought in my store of course. ;-)
P.S. Party happening tomorrow.
Einfach nur super süß!!!!