This is a post I kinda wrote for myself. :-) But I think it does affect everyone at times … so maybe it will help you.
Do you know the feeling when you start something new? The fear, that kinda creeps up and boycotts what you are doing?
Last summer I had a moment when I realized how much I actually do – or do not do – out of fear. And back then I promised myself to stop listening to that fear. That is not easy. At all. Often fear creeps up silently – with a bunch of arguments in stow. There are times when fear sounds so reasonable that one does not recognize it as fear at all. In those times it is good to have friends that tell you “Hey, you are just afraid”. And this is exactly what happened to me today.
What am I afraid of? To show the things that I made in my studio during the last weeks. No buttons – but pictures. Yes, I have shown some of my art before. But those were always pictures that I had not made for selling. Somehow to show those was easier. (Not easy, but easier.) But today – without prior announcement or a big party – the premier on my website: my first mixed-media art piece that is for sale (Sold).
It is inspired by Christmas. The words read “Do not be afraid” in German. It is what the angels say in the Christmas story.
To me personally Christmas is quite important. Not the kind of Christmas that happens in the stores and shops, but the “actual” Christmas.
But I think that even without Christmas the message of the picture – or of the angels – is important. Do not be afraid. Trust. Yes, that is not easy. At least not for me. But each time I do overcome my fear, I learn how much it is worth.
So today I want to inspire to think about where fear sneaks up in your life? What do you do – or do you not do – out of fear? And what would you do if you did not have your fear?
I am really looking forward to your comments … and am off having a cup of strong tea. To calm down … ;-)
Hello Ursula!
It’s so nice to catch up on your blog a little bit this evening! I’m so happy to see you are still creating. Your mixed media piece is beautiful. I hope you will keep sharing what you’ve been working on! Hooray for overcoming fears! <3
I think your artwork is heartfelt and lovely. Thank you for sharing it with the world! It is needed:)
Thank so much Claire for your lovely comment! What you wrote felt amazing to read.
Your mixed media piece is lovely! Kudos to you for getting it out there. ;) xo
Thank you so much Melissa for this sweet comment! Makes me so happy to read it!
Huge congrats on putting your artwork out there! It takes courage. Keep sharing!!
Yes, it is scary. :-) But I will keep sharing. And lovely comments like yours make it easier … :-)
What a beautiful piece, Ursula!! I’m so happy you’ve decided to join us in the blogging group and that you want to start sharing more art – YES, please, I’d love to see more of your art!! It’s so nice to re-connect again!! xoxo
Thank you so much Desiree,
it feels extra-special to get complimented by someone I admire ;-)
Love your work!
Ursala, Beautiful, simple piece and message. When I see that I’m in fear, after a bit, I’m actually relieved because now I see it for what it is. Then I can simply say, “oh that’s only fear talking.” This gives me permission to not listen to it because I know fear is skewed and nothing good will come out of it. This immediately settles me and then I can ask, “What does my inner Spirit say?”
Thanks so much Silvia, for sharing this. I still struggle alot with fear. For me the hardest part is recognizing that it actually IS fear. But I am working on it and I get better. :-) It is very inspiring to hear where you are at.
Thanks so much! xox
Hi Ursula,
Congratulations on getting your work out there, for sale! I think it’s beautiful.
An angel combined with the German language will forever remind me of a film I saw secondary school. Our German teacher showed a film base on a Heinrich Böll book, and there was an angel in a Christmas Tree saying/singing “Frieden. Frieden” many times. So many times that its voice is in my head still, after 20 years.
I love how you talk about fear. It’s a big cause for procrastination, and many people don’t know that. Even calling it out as fear can make a big difference.
I think at this moment I fear I will never want to get back to work if I go out for a walk now. A small fear, that keeps me from practicing self care if I don’t notice it. So I’ll leave and go for that walk right now.
Thank you :)
Thanks so much Angela for this comment! You are SO right – just recognizing it as fear and calling it that already helps heaps. For me it is the first part – the recognizing – that I often still struggle with. But I am working on it and I am getting better!
And so good for you for going on that walk! :-) I do know that kind of fear as well. ;-)