Do you love yoga? (Free yoga and new yoga postcards)

To be honest, I don’t remember when I started to do yoga. But I do remember that I was truly blown away when I did some pregnancy yoga with my second child and it felt SO good for my back and my stomach. It was simply awesome. Ever since I did yoga on and off. And over the last years it’s become a regular habit that I treasure. (Yes, I do fall of the yoga-wagon once in a while. I haven’t found a cure for that one yet. But I do always get back to it.)

Even though I do it quite regularly I do feel rather shy telling people about it. Cause in all this time I have only once taken an in-person class. The rest of the time I do yoga with the help of online-videos or DVDs. So, I might think I’m doing yoga, but someone watching me might think I’m doing some weird form of interpretive dance while watching yoga-videos … who knows. ;-) But at some point I figured, you know, as long as it feels good in my body and is good for my soul – why should I care what anyone else thinks!? I love yoga. And that’s why I finally created these YOGA-LOVE postcards and am so excited to share them with you:

Postcard set YOGA-LOVE

And I thought in order to celebrate the launch of my cards and share a bit more of the yoga-love I share with you my fav online yoga resources. So, here are five yoga links I wouldn’t wanna live without:

1 My all-time favorite go-to resource is Erin Motz from the Bad yogiI simply love her free classes. (She has awesome longer paid classes, too, though.) There are certain themes to the classes, so you can easily pick what feels right at the moment. Also the classes are usually about 10 to 20 minutes, so short enough to squeeze them into even the busiest day. My two favorite free classes from her at the moment are “Perfect as I am Flow” und “Yoga for when you feel run down”.

Little extra tip: Starting in October Erin runs her free 30 Day Yoga-Challenge again. This was the challenge that helped me to do yoga regularly in the first place. So if your goal is to do yoga more regularly I recommend signing up. You can thank me later. ;-)

YOGA-LOVE postcard - easy seat/ Schneidersitz

2 I just recently – finally – managed how to do the forearm headstand and I’m super proud. Not because I think it’s so important that you’re able to do that. But I had tried for so long … it was just such a nice feeling to finally figure it out. And I did figure it out with the help of the video “How to do a headstand for beginners” by Adriene. She explains so well how to set it all up – and that made all the difference to me. She has many other yoga-videos, too. So check her out.

3 is a pretty big site with many articles on yoga. When you register you can try out a bunch of free classes.

YOGA-LOVE postcards - tree/ Baum, mixed media art by Ursula Markgraf

4 About a year ago I discovered YIN-Yoga and fell in love. I find it especially wonderful on those days that I just don’t feel like doing regular yoga – or doing anything at all. ;-) It did need a bit of getting used to as it felt kinda weird at first, to not move as much and hold poses quite long. But once that initial awkwardness was over it just felt amazing. I do love doing this: 30 minute yin and meditation class.

5 Once in a while I try some of the videos by Ekhart Yoga. I do like for example this Yoga for digestion.

YOGA-LOVE postcards - dancer/ Tänzer, mixed media art by Ursula Markgraf

I hope I could inspire you to try out some new yoga videos. And if you have a yoga-person in your life you want to send some greetings to or just want a visual reminder on your wall – check out my YOGA-LOVE postcards HERE. They can be framed as a sweet mini-gift as well. ;-)

Do you have any favorite yoga links or resources? Dvds, books, online-shops?

Looking forward to your tips in the comments!

And if you don’t wanna miss anything – new yoga-Christmas cards for example ;-) – then sign up to my free newsletter. :-)

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11 Responses to Do you love yoga? (Free yoga and new yoga postcards)

  1. Pingback: 38 wonderful women, that you should know – Ursula Markgraf

  2. Kerstin says:

    Hallo Ursula,
    hier mein Yoga-Link für Dich. :)

    Es handelt sich dabei um die Seite meiner lieben ‘Business-Yoga-Trainerin’ Sigi. Sie kommt einmal die Woche zu uns, um in einer aktiven Mittagspause uns wieder auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurück zu holen.

    Sie hat zudem mit ihrem Partner nun ihre zweite CD veröffentlicht. Ich mag ihre Stimme so sehr!

    Meine Empfehlung für Dich lautet also:

    Herzliche Grüße

  3. Pingback: 38 wonderful women, that you should know – Ursula Markgraf

  4. SAM says:

    Liebe Ursula,
    ich liiiiiebe Yoga! Kennengelernt hab ich es durch meine Schwangerschaft…Gott ist das schon lange her! Da ich mir aus finanziellen und persönlichen Gründen keinen Yoga-Kurs mehr geben konnnte kommt hier mein Tipp: Ich bin bei eingestiegen und schlicht weg begeistert. Für gaaanz kleines Geld soooo viel Möglichkeiten! Und Buchtipps hab ich auch noch: Das erste heißt “Mit Yoga durchs Jahr” von Susi Rieth. Das hab ich schon ewig und es hat schon den Gilb, aber ich liebe es. Dann gefallen mir noch “Die Yoga-Diät! von Kirsten Schultz-Dollard/Dr. John Douillard…Yoga und Aryurveda zusammen und überhaupt nicht verkrampft und zu guter letzt “Gesund werden mit Yoga” von Zora Gienger. Kennst Du diese Bücher schon? Ich könnt hier noch ewig schreiben…aber der Platz ist begrenzt…LG SAM (Simone A. Melzer)

    • Liebe Simone,
      ganz lieben Dank für Deinen lieben Kommentar! yogaeasy kannte ich noch gar nicht. Werd ich mir gleich mal anschauen. Und die Bücher kannte ich auch noch nicht. Ich kannte einige der Bücher von Ursula Karven und einige von Stefanie Arend über Yin Yoga. Aber muss sagen, ich liebe ja Bücher SEHR, aber den Zugang zu Yoga darüber find ich total schwierig für mich. Ich lese gern darüber – aber damit tatsächlich üben klappt für mich nicht so wirklich. Ich brauch jemanden, der die Übungen mit mir “mit macht” :-) Ab
      Ganz liebe Grüße,

  5. Sandy Berry says:

    List of Best Yoga Blogs to check out…
    Thanks for the resources and very cute YOGA-LOVE postcards!!! I’m just getting back to yoga after the summer and starting to incorporate Ayurveda cooking and massages in my daily routine.

    • Hello Sandy,

      thanks so much for the link. Will check it out!
      And yes, Ayurveda cooking sounds and massage sounds lovely in combination with yoga. Do you do self-massages? I’d be very interested in learning that! Must be amazing.

  6. Tabitha Beck says:

    Thank you for all these resources. It’s just good for me to hear that I am not the only one who falls off the yoga wagon and eventually gets back on again…to fall off again at some point…I too always return to it. Cheers. :)

    • Hello Tabitha,

      I’m quite certain that we’re not the only ones falling off the yoga wagon … I think most people just don’t talk about it as we feel bad about it. But I figure, you know it’s better to just be honest and give ourselves credit for returning, instead of feeling bad for falling off. Yes, it would be perfect to do it regularly and never fall off. But is that realistic? Nothing is ever perfect! If we make ourselves feel bad about it, it won’t do nothing for us – and others. So, I try to work on being okay with not doing it perfectly. ;-)
      It’s a progress for sure.


  7. Sylvia says:

    Liebe Ursula,
    ich finde Yoga total super. Allerdings bin ich dir da wahrscheinlich ähnlich, ich sage es auch nicht gern.
    Deine Karten finde ich toll und ich freue mich schon sehr, wenn ich sie in den Händen habe.
    Ich mache mit meiner Kindergruppe Yoga. Durch die tollen Geschichten und Übungen haben die Kinder jede Menge Spaß und auch ich kann meine Leidenschaft mit anderen teilen. Das ist toll. Der Ökotopia Verlag hat dazu wundervolle Bücher.

    • Liebe Sylvia,
      meine Tochter ist auch lange zum Kinder-Yoga gegangen und hat es geliebt!
      Die Bücher vom Ökotopia Verlag schau ich mir auf jeden Fall mal an.
      Ganz liebe Grüße,


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