Tealights with a secret message – tutorial for Advent calendar or gift

Tealights with a secret message - tutorial by Ursula Markgraf

Today I have a little tutorial for you for a very sweet gift idea – how about creating some tealights with a secret message?! It’s not my typical “thing” as it doesn’t involve any paints or such … but it’s quick and easy, you can send it via mail and …

Meditating reindeer Christmas cards are here!

Finally they’re here. The new Christmas cards! And this time with a meditating reindeer. After all, Christmas is not only stressful for us, but for reindeers, too. That’s why they do some yoga and meditation to be able to have a wonderful and relaxed Christmas time. And if you do …

Moving Sale

Moving Sale

If you follow me on social media you might have noticed that I moved recently. I’m still in the process of settling into a new life, which is exciting, but not always easy. For me there is a lot LETTING GO involved. Not only letting go of my way of …