How often do you do an art studio deep clean? Is your creative space in need of a little makeover? Then read on …
What kind of creative are you? Neat and tidy? Chaotic? In between?
Do you have your whole creative space sorted, tidy and clean at all times?
Or do the projects kinda have their own life and take over whatever space they can get?
Well, I definitely belong to the latter. (HELP!)
I can start with a completely lovely clean desk. By the end of a project, it will be covered in paints, supplies, papers, …
And no, it doesn’t matter what size of desk – or room – I have. I’ve worked in a big room with several work surfaces, cupboards, shelves and such … Still, the same happend.
I don’t actually mind by now. I accepted that that is the way it is. The problem is however, everything I don’t see – somehow I forget about. It doesn’t matter if it’s actual art supplies or work-in-progress projects.
I mean, the art supplies I still kinda understand. Also, the joy of finding something cool, that you had totally forgotten about! Hey, I get to experience this „Hey, that is such a cool thing!“ more than once that way!
But the work-in-process pieces?! You would think that if you spend hours working on something you’d surely remember that thing …
Well, it has happened more times than I care to admit that I found projects while tidying, that I had completely forgotten about. I am shocked each time that happens!
A regular deep clean of my creative space is simply necessary.
So, that means that I have to do a big tidy up of my creative space once in a while, just to dig up forgotten supplies, sort through what I have to work with and un-earth started projects that got lost in there somewhere.
Sounds like it’s a whole galaxy of its own kinda … I guess in a way it is.
Usually, I get that itch for cleaning and tidying in springtime. But I’ve also started deep cleaning my creative space at other times. I do enjoy sorting everything and making it look neat. However, it also can easily get quite overwhelming to me, especially since I have a rather small space at the moment.
Less overwhelming with a 21 day deep clean checklist (FREE PDF)
For me it helps if I have a kinda „guideline“. So I don’t pull out everything, make an even bigger mess and then get a major melt-down in the middle of it, as I have no idea how to put everything back again in a reasonable amount of time.
Been there, done that.
What works for me are lists. I have the feeling that there is a structure to the process and as long as I kinda follow it, I’m good.
So I made this 21 Art Studio Deep Clean Checklist. And if you feel this could work for you, too – just download it and give it a go.
I’m not claiming this will work for everyone. People are different. Creatives are different. Some might need other things for them to help with the process. But if you’re similar to me … maybe it will help you, too.
Also, don’t worry if you don’t have an actual art studio. (I don’t have one right now, either.) It works for any creative space – be it in a separate room, or be it the corner of your kitchen, living room or …
Free PDF download – try it!
Download free 21 day art studio deep clean checklist (PDF)
All you gotta do is download the PDF, print it out and then you can get started right away. Each day has a super short prompt. Once you have accomplished the task you can cross that day out. You can follow the order of the PDF. Or you can simply pick a prompt each day that speaks to you, cross it off when finished and keep going until all days are crossed off.
If you try it, please let me know how it went! I LOVE feedback!
Also, if you have any other tips or tricks how you keep your creative space tidy – let me know!
I’d be thrilled to test out some other ideas and also … others might benefit from it as well!
P.S. And after you done with all the cleaning … why not try a free mixed media workshop in your newly sorted creative space?!