An Advent Angel just for you (free download)

Yesterday we celebrated St. Nicholas’ day. Do you celebrate that day?

(If you don’t know about that day at all, you can read a very short description of it in this blogpost.)

I love that day and the story about St. Nicholas alot. And eversince we added the tradition of putting cookies and milk out for St. Nicholas and his horse – I love it even more. ;-) I’d actually prefer tea to milk, but oh well …

And you know what – St. Nicholas left a little present FOR YOU with me. Look! A little angel! Just for you!


To download right-click HERE and choose “save as”.

The little angel wants to remind you that during Advent- and Christmas time you should take good care of yourself. If even angels need to meditate in order to stay sane during Christmas season – why should we think that we can do it without “help”?

No, you don’t have to meditate, if that isn’t your thing. Even though I would highly recommend to anyone to try it. ;-) But you should definitely take time for yourself.

Time to figure out what is really important to you during Christmas.

Time to listen to yourself. How are you doing?

Time to decide what you wanna say “Yes” to and what you would rather say “No” to.

Time for selfcare.

Time to just enjoy the moment. Read a few lines in a good book, take a hot bath, have a good cup of tea …

A few minutes a day can make such a difference and can help to break free from all the rush that Advent time often brings. And that’s what this angel wants to remind you of.


To download right-click HERE and choose “save as”

You can print out your angel and put it in your wallet, calendar or on your mirror. So every time you see it you are reminded to take a bit time for yourself.

Or you can also send it via email or on your social networks to your friends to wish them a wonderful Advent- or Christmastime. Just as you like.

And if you’d rather send “real” angel postcards or cards – there are still a few in the SHOP. ;-)

So, do you have a St. Nicholas tradition?

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6 Responses to An Advent Angel just for you (free download)

  1. Jill Vehanan says:

    Hi Ursula,
    Thank you for the Christmas Angel card, it’s beautiful. Also, for telling us about St. Nicholas Day, and the tradition that goes with it.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


  2. SAM says:

    Hallo Ursula,
    Nikolaustradition? NIcht direkt. Eher davor. EIGENTLICH schneide ich am 04.12. Barbarazweige…dieses Jahr hab ich es versäumt…seufz…von wegen zuviel Theater-zu wenig Zeit….
    LG SAM

    • Liebe SAM,
      von Barbarazweigen hab ich schon mal gelesen, hab es aber selber noch nie gemacht. Ja, das mit dem zu wenig Zeit kenn ich. Aber inzwischen überleg ich mir ganz genau, was ich UNBEDINGT machen möchte. Und dafür mach ich mir dann auch Zeit. Klar bleibt da auch ne Menge, das ich ganz gern gemacht hätte und wofür keine Zeit bleibt … aber die allerwichtigsten Dinge, die passieren. Und das freut mich dann total! :-)

      Wünsche Dir ein wenig mehr Zeit, für die Dinge, die Dir wichtig sind. <3

  3. Sylvia says:

    Liebe Ursula,
    vielen lieben Dank für den zauberhaften Engel. Wie du weißt liebe ich Engel….und er kam genau zur richtigen Zeit…..
    vielen vielen Dank.

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